Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Bigfoot carrying a Possum?

Bigfoot Okanagan
Exercise, Real or Fake? Take a good look at it, it looks like it is carrying a possum, so don't just answer, Reflect on it. Share. Bigfoot Okanagan.

1 comment:

  1. I had a big foot encounter years back that lasted for a couple days Saw foot prints objects being thrown at me eventually it’ screamed at me I had a flashlight in my hand I immediately shined it in that direction there was nothing there but a possum standing on his back feet the possum goes down on all fours goes down the driveway into the woods across the street then it sounded like a freaking bulldozer without the motor running come in through the woods trees falling down yada yada My dog came running from the left so I shined the flashlight over there and I Saw 2 giant orange eyes about 8 or 9 ft high there was no tree there for it to be up in a possum shape shifter maybe I don’t know
